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Stake YW

We love you!

We are so grateful that we get to be on earth together with you at this unique time. We have a great work to do and are excited to serve side by side with you in God's kingdom. President Wilford Woodruff said, "The eyes of God and all the holy prophets are watching us. This is the great dispensation that has been spoken of ever since the world began. We are gathered together . . . by the power and commandment of God. We are doing the work of God. . . . Let us fill our mission." We know that we can fulfill our mission together as we stand with our Savior, Jesus Christ. President Nelson has taught that when we make and keep our covenants "the power of the Lamb of God" will descend upon us and we will be "armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory."

We testify that His power is real and you have access to it. We are thankful we get to walk the covenant path with you.

I Can Change

"I Can Change" is a song that was written by a couple of our very own YCLs for the 2020 camp year. We were super bummed that because of the world wide pandemic, we didn't have the chance to sing this together, arm in arm at camp.

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